Monday, November 9, 2009

Arrows Fall, by Mercedes Lackey


Half-Price.  A late Monday and Tuesday combo kept me in the store until they kicked me out at close.

Bottom Line
Enjoyable, if not intellectually stimulating.

Full Review
This wraps up Talia's adventures, neatly tying up all the loose ends left dangling by the previous two books.  The proverbial gun placed on the table in the first act was duly fired, lingering suspicions were resolved, and the star-crossed lovers finally found happiness in each other's arms.

The YA label, which you will remember I had my doubts about in the first Arrows book, has been removed due to a significant escalation in violence.  I've also skipped a book - look for the middle in the series whenever Half Price gets it back on the shelf.

I won't rehash the previous Arrows review.  Suffice it to say, that Lackey at her earliest gives a frolicking read.

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